Team Visit Agnus Dei No. 220 at Southport Masonic Hall
On Wednesday 18th January 2017.  Agnus Dei Conclave in Southport, welcomed a team visit, to see a double KHS Ceremony. Unfortunately, the Intendent General was unable to attend, but the Deputy Intendent General, V.Ill Knight Fred Hargreaves managed the occasion with his usual aplomb.
14 Acting Officers, led by the Divisional Marshall Ill Knight Geoff Gill were present to support the evening, Agnus Dei opened at 5.30pm, for the business of the Conclave to be conducted. During which, E.Kt. John Ford was pronounced Most Puissant Sovereign Elect and W.Kt. Gordon Ross, the Eminent Viceroy elect.
At 6pm, the Conclave moved to the main Lodge room to conduct a Knight of Holy Sepulchre ceremony, on W.Kt’s. Steve Kirkbride & Keith Blackburn. The MPS W.Kt. Jim Borsey conducted the first point. The second point was conducted by Ill. Knight Gordon Kay and the third point was conducted by P. Kt. William Nolan.
A very decent performance by all three Knights, without a book in sight, enhanced by a full turnout of the Sepulchre guard under the command of Ill Knight Robert Cliffe made the ceremony very enjoyable for those watching, as well as the two Knights involved.
As you are aware, Agnus Dei is a Fine dining Conclave and the festive board, consisted of Crispy Duck & Noodles. Honey Roast Ham, carved at the table with Dauphinoise potatoes and concluding with Brioche Bread & Butter pudding. Wine was served throughout the meal. Fifty diners sat to enjoy the meal, including Seven Royal Arch Companions, wanting to join our fantastic Order.
During the festive board, the Most Puissant Sovereign, presented cheques to the Deputy Intendent General, for Derian House and Claire House, totalling £220 (representing the Conclave number). Agnus Dei are determined, this extra charity giving will be an Annual event.
Iain Brown
Divisional Eusebius.